Kate Bush Resources

Moments Of Pleasure : The Music Of Kate Bush

This Day in History!

41 years ago
Kate helps launch the Sky Channel, the first satellite TV station in the U.K.

It Happened This Month!

01.01.1981 Kate is voted Best Female Artist for the third consecutive year in Capital Radio's listeners poll.
06.01.1979 Kate is voted Best New Artist of 1978 in the Record Mirror annual poll. Kate is guest of honour at the San Remo Song Festival in Italy. This is screened in most of Europe, but not in the U.K.
11.01.1986 In the annual Sounds poll Kate is voted Best Female Vocalist of 1985.
12.01.1980 Kate is voted Best Female Artist of 1979 in the Record Mirror poll.
16.01.1984 Kate helps launch the Sky Channel, the first satellite TV station in the U.K.
19.01.1980 Kate is voted Best Female Singer of 1979 in the New Musical Express poll. Kate breaks off from recording her own album to do some session work for Peter Gabriel, on his third solo album. She does backing vocals on two tracks: Games Without Frontiers and No Self Control, which will be released as singles, and encounters the Gabriel method of working with rhythm boxes and the Fairlight CMI.
20.01.1978 Wuthering Heights released - Kate does her first live radio interview on Tony Myatt's Late Show.
20.01.1979 Kate appears on The Multi-Coloured Swap Shop on BBC TV, and is interviewed by Noel Edmonds and via a phone-in by the viewers.
23.01.1984 The Single File box set of singles is released, further fuelling rumours that Kate is to leave EMI.

Kate Bush Resources

Kate Bush on YouTube


Fish People - The Official Site Of Kate Bush


Kate Bush News


Kate Bush on Spotify


Kate Bush on Facebook


Kate Bush on Twitter


Kate Bush on the BBC


Kate Bush Wikipedia


Kate Bush Discography


Kate Bush NME Albums Ranked


Kate Bush Encyclopedia
